Jonathan Kadet

Multimedia & the World Wide Web
Spring 2013
Home / Executive Summary / Introduction / Background / Hypothesis / Questions /
/ Limitations / References / Results / External Data / Discussion / Conclusion


1. Age – Multiple Choice (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23+)
2. Gender – Radio box (Male, Female)
3. How often do you shop online? - Multiple Choice (Every day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, once a month, never, N/A)
4. On average, what is the order total when you shop online in one sitting? - Typein
Help Text – Price, not quantity of items (ex. $50.00)
5. How many times do you visit online shopping sites in a day? – Typein
Help Text – Including previewing items but not necessarily buying them
6. Excluding groceries, how often do you buy items at the physical store? - Multiple Choice (Every day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, once a month, never, N/A)
7. How often do you buy books online? - Multiple Choice (Every day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, once a month, never, N/A)
8. How often do you buy clothes online? - Multiple Choice (Every day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, once a month, never, N/A)
9. On average, how much do you spend when you shop at physical stores in one outing? – Typein
Help Text – Price, not quantity of items (ex. $50.00)
10. What sites do you spend the most time online shopping at? – Typein (Paragraph)
11. Do you ever online shop without buying anything? Radio box (Yes, No, N/A)
Help Text – Ex. Previewing items, “window shopping”, looking around
12. What items do you buy online the most? Check boxes – (Clothing, Electronics, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Books, Music, Jewelry, Office Supplies, Sporting Goods, Furniture, Groceries, Home Improvement, Health, Other, N/A)
13. What items do you always buy online? Check boxes – (Clothing, Electronics, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Books, Music, Jewelry, Office Supplies, Sporting Goods, Furniture, Groceries, Home Improvement, Health, Other, N/A)
14. Why do you shop online? Freeform