Jonathan Kadet

Multimedia & the World Wide Web
Spring 2013
Home / Executive Summary / Introduction / Background / Hypothesis / Questions /
/ Limitations / References / Results / External Data / Discussion / Conclusion


Our main limitation was our modified scope of DePaul students during certain times. We executed our survey at 3 different times to get a wider variety of DePaul students. (Ex. Only CDM majors are free from 3:00pm-4:00pm.) Other references such as "Relationship of Type of Product, Shopping Orientations, and Demographics with Preference for Shopping on the Internet" by Tulay Girard, Pradeep Korgaonkar and Ronnie Silverblatt state that demographic characteristics play a big role in online shopping preferences (Girard, Korgaonkar, Silverblatt, 2003, p. 101).

After conducting our survey, another limitation was limited data. The results were not sufficient enough to conclude anything specific about our second hypothesis. Although more females took our survey in total, the data did not point either way. Overall, males and females shop the same amount based on our data. Executing the survey more times might help aid the results. The results were not as black and white as we hypothesized; For example, one male shops every day while one female does not shop at all.