
1. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female

2. What is your age?
a. 18
b. 19
c. 20
d. 21
e. Other
i. Please specify

3. Do you have an Instagram account?
a. Yes
b. No

4. If yes, who is the majority of whom you follow and interact with on Instagram?
a. Family and Friends
b. Celebrities
c. Athletes
d. Brands/Companies
e. I don't use Instagram

5. If you were to enhance or edit your photos, which app would you be most likely to use?
a. Photoshop
b. Instagram
c. Pic Stitch
d. Pic Monkey
e. I don't enhance/edit my photos

6. If you use Instagram, what types of pictures are you most likely to upload?
a. Pictures of yourself
b. Pictures of your family/friends
c. Pictures of food
d. Pictures of nature/scenery
e. Other
i. Please specify

7. What type of device do you use to take pictures
a. Cellphone camera
b. Digital camera
c. Other
i. Please specify
d. I don't take pictures

8. What kind of device do you use to enhance photos
a. Cellphone
b. Computer
c. Other
i. Please specify
d. I don't enhance my photos

9. What type of mean(s) is obtained from Instagram (circle all that apply)
a. Documenting events
b. Advertising a product
c. Building creative skills
d. Social engagement
e. Other
i. Please Specify
f. None of the above

10. Why did you get an Instagram?