
H1: DePaul students are more likely to interact with friends and family on Instagram rather than unfamiliar people.

H0: DePaul students are less likely to interact with friends and family on Instagram rather than unfamiliar people.

"I've never really used Instagram, but once I learned that they have over 100 million users, I had no choice but to start using it. Why you may ask? Well, not only can you leverage it to promote your personal brand, but you can use it to promote your business as well" (Patel, quicksprout.com).

H2: DePaul students are more likely to use Instagram to enhance pictures than use any other digital photo enhancement app (i.e. Photoshop)

H0: DePaul students are less likely to use Instagram to enhance pictures than use any other digital photo enhancement app.

"The quality of the end image, along with the physical iPhone camera, just hit a certain threshold of quality where the images became visually appealing. Even if you compare Instagram photos to professional Adobe Lightroom plug-ins, Photoshop Actions, and all the tricks and desktop software that photographers use, Instagram photos have a decent quality" (Bolt, techcrunch.com).