DELIVERABLE D: Web Site Detail Design
1. Project Description and Scope
RecordTrader is an online marketplace focusing on the buying and selling of new and used records. RecordTrader is not your ordinary music marketplace. Focusing on niche and specialty music genres, RecordTrader will give vintage and specialty record stores a platform to expand from their current local customer bases to an online global marketplace. Any record dealer will now have the opportunity to create a seller account on our site and upload product listings for sale. Online shoppers can then search through all seller music listings on the RecordTrader site, communicate with sellers via chat and email as well as discuss music interests and opinions with other buyers of the RecordTrader community via the site’s forum and blog pages. RecordTrader is not a music download site. It is a new way for traditional record stores to sell actual records while providing music collectors and specialty music lovers the largest selection of vintage music possible.

2. Detailed Design
2.1 Overview of Application Changes

Web Site Functional Requirements

  • DD 2.1.1(Reference TR 4.1.1) User will be able to browse all products by artist, genre, year-of-release, seller(s), condition and price range.
  • DD 2.1.2 Reference TR 4.1.2) Sellers will be able to add or update inventory listings.
  • DD 2.1.3 (Reference TR 4.1.5) User will be able to add, update and delete items in their shopping cart.
  • DD 2.1.4 (Reference TR 4.1.10) Sellers will be able to view reports regarding their current inventory, sales history and overall inventory changes.
  • DD 2.1.5 (Reference TR 4.1.11) Registered and nonregistered users will be able to view their shopping cart items whether they have partially completed the transaction or abandoned the cart altogether.

2.2 Significant Algorithms (Pseudocode)

Class: Cart

  • DD Class Name: Cart
  • DD Package name: recordTrader.Cart
  • DD Method: Cart
  • DD Purpose: Add the item selected by the user to the user's current shopping cart. Date and other status information will be logged to the database with customer's cart information.
  • DD Input Parameters: ItemID, customer, date added, see class for additional fields.

Pseudocode for class - Cart:

Check if user is registered user and logged in If not, write date , time, session, and itemID which has been added to cart to the database

If customer is logged in: Write date, time session, customerID, and itemID to which has beed added to car tot the database.

Class: Seller

  • DD Class Name: Seller
  • DD Package name: recordTrader.Seller
  • DD Method: Seller
  • DD Purpose: Sellers can create a seller account so that they can create listings and sell items on RecordTrader.
  • DD Input Parameters: sellerID, seller name, address, see class for additional parameters and fields..

Pseudocode for class - Seller:

Submit form containing seller account information and write seller record to the database.

Class: Inventory

  • DD Class Name: Inventory
  • DD Package name: recordTrader.Inventory
  • DD Method: inventory
  • DD Purpose: Sellers can add new listings to the site for customer to search and purchase.
  • DD Input Parameters: ItemID, date added, comments, item condition, genre, record label, see class for additional parameters.

Pseudocode for class - inventory:

Submit form, write record to the database containing all form information. See class for parameters written from form.

3.1 Data Structures
  • DD 3.1.1 Seller tables
  • DD 3.1.2 Customer tables
  • DD 3.1.3 Order Tables

4.1 Screen Layouts
Interface Design

4.1.1 Medium fidelity screens for Record

4.1.2 high fidelity Homepage Interface and design

4.1.3 Mobile Website

4.1.4 Navigational Schemes will contain a global navigation bar on every page within the website as follows:

Additionally, every page with the exception of the “seller” interface will contain categorical right-side navigation to quickly browse music categories as follows:

Each page will contain the following global navigation on the bottom of each page:

4.1.5 Website Information Architecture:

4.2 Page Content Information Homepage

This is the start page for both buyers and sellers. This page will contain the following:

  • A logo and banner header across the top of the page
  • Global navigation found on every page which contains the following
    - Home
    - Sellers
    - Blog
    - Forum
    - Contact
    - Register - Will dynamically change once a user logs in to their account
    - Login - Will dynamically change once a user logs in to their account
  • A categorical navigation bar on the left side of the screen. This is always visible while searching and browsing for items
  • A search box and dynamic content in the center of the page. This search enables buyers to immediately start searching for items on the home page. Other welcome and promotional content will display in this area as well.
  • Promotional content will be dynamically displayed on the right side of the screen
  • Supplemental links to privacy, sitemap, about us, and terms and conditions will display at the bottom of the page.

Advanced Search

This page allows expanded search options to search by Genre, Album Title, Artist, year released, and record label. The advanced page will share all of the attributes found on the homepage and will replace the page’s main content in the center of the page.

About Us

This page will provide the mission statement and value proposition. This is a brief overview of the company information. This page will share all of the attributes found on the homepage. Company information will replace the main page center content.


The "Sellers" link will prompt a user to sign in. A user must be a registered RecordTrader seller in order to sign in and access this page. This page will provide an option for a user to create a seller account. All content will appear in the main center content panel.

Once logged in. This page will provide seller options in the left navigation panel:

  • Add New Item Listing
  • UpdateListing
  • View Items Listed
  • View Items Sold
Each link in the left navigation will present an interface within the center main content for managing inventory.


The forum page will contain all global navigation from the homepage and options for posting and searching forum posts. The forum is a means for users to share information and interest in Record Trader products.

5. Testing Considerations

5.1 Usability Testing

5.1.1 The following scenarios will be tested for the web site.

  • Buyer creates account.
  • Buyer updates shopping cart contents.
  • Non-registered buyer purchase item.
  • Seller list new item for sale.
  • Seller updates listings.

6. Approvals
Participant Role Approval Date
Tyler Wassell Project Lead May 19, 2010
Mo Onaneye Media/Graphic Designer May 19, 2010
Oscar Bautista Programmer/Analyst May 19, 2010
Jeff Grove Programmer/DBA May 19, 2010
Kelly Morris Analyst May 19, 2010
7. Contributions
Tyler Wassell - Screen Designs and Layouts. Compiled all sections into word document and HTML.

Mo Onaneye - Graphics for Screen Designs and Layouts

Oscar Bautista - Created UML Diagrams for Significant Algorithms.

Jeff Grove - Relational Database Diagrams for Data Structures

Kelly Morris - Software Changes and Testing Consideratiosn