ECT436 Social Marketing and Social Networking Applications

Winter 2012

John Chen photo

Pou-Chang (John) Chen

E-Commerce Technology Graduate student


Depaul University
E-Commerce Technology MS
E-Commerce Web Site Engineering, Database Technology, Object-Oriented Modeling

National Central University (NCU), Taiwan
Atmospheric Physics MS
Climate Application Statistics, Weather Analysis, Geographic Graphic Technology


Language: Java, ASP.NET C#, Fortran, PL / SQL, XHTML, CSS, UML
Web Design: Joomla, WordPress; visible at
Software: Microsoft Visio, PowerPoint, Excel, Word
Operation System: Windows, LINUX
Graphing Tool: GrADs, Paint.NET, Paint Shop Prox

Assignment Description

  • Assignment#1 Please create a simple HTML page that contains your personal information and links to your future assignments.
  • Assignment#2 Develop a simple PHP Web site that allows a user to enter some information in a HTML form and responds to the user's input.
  • Assignment#3 Develop a PHP page that uses at least two of the following control structures: if-else, switch, for loop, and while loop.
  • Deliverable A Design of the final project.
  • Assignment#4 Develop PHP pages that take input from user and return records from database that match user input.
  • Assignment#5 Develop PHP pages that pass information using QueryStrings.
  • Assignment#6 Develop a simple application on Facebook that renders some promotion information about a product. Please provide the direct link on Facebook to your application.
  • Deliverable B Final project Web site and documentation..