

  1. Are you male or female?
    Male or Female Graph
    40% Male
    60% Female

    More females participated in this survey than males did.

  2. What grade/year in school are you?
    Year in School Graph
    3% Freshman
    16% Sophomores
    60% Juniors
    21% Seniors

    The participants of this survey were mostly of junior standing in college, followed by seniors, sophomores, and freshmen in that order from most to least number of participants.

  3. Please select your meal plan from the following:
    Meal Plan Graph
    0% Convenience Plan
    12% Apartment Plan
    3% Apartment Plus Plan
    3% Lite Plan
    0% DePaul Plan
    3% Red Plan
    0% Demon Plan
    79% No Meal Plan

    Most of the participants in this survey did not have a meal plan. The only participant who selected the Red Meal Plan option was the only freshman participator. One participant of junior standing and one of sophomore both had an Apartment Plan, and one participant of sophomore standing had the Apartment Plus Plan. No participants had a Convenience Plan, a DePaul plan, or a Demon Plan.

  4. What online food ordering service do you use?
    Services Used Graph
    50% GrubHub
    4% Seamless
    40% Restaurant Website
    6% Other

    This questions allowed for multiple responses from participants as to which website(s) they used to order food online. There were fifty responses collected for this response, and GrubHub was named in about fifty percent of the responses. Restaurant websites were also among the highest responses. Whereas Seamless and other options were also cited.

  5. Favorite Website to Use
    Favorite Website Used Graph
    42% GrubHub
    3% Seamless
    21% Restaurant Website
    20% None

    Of the choices of online websites given above, the majority cited GrubHub as the majorityÕs favorite website to use when ordering food. Next participants cited a restaurant's website as their preferred method of ordering. But twenty percent of participants chose not to answer the questions suggesting they do not have a preferred website or a strong connection to any othe websites.

  6. If given the option, would you prefer to order food online, over the phone, or in person?
    Online, Phone, or In Person Graph
    70% Online
    27% In person
    3% Over the phone

    Of our thirty three participants who had ordered food online, the majority said that it was their preferred method of ordering food. Only twenty seven percent of participants preferred ordering food in person, and only one participant preferred ordering over the phone.

  7. Are you more likely to order food on the weekends or weekdays?
    Weekend or Weekday Graph
    60% Weekends
    25% Weekdays
    12% Both
    3% No Preference

    In this question we asked when participants typically ordered food online and the majority said they ordered food on the weekends and only twenty five percent said they ordered on weekdays more. Participants answered both if they ordered food an equal amount either during the week on on weekends.

  8. How many times a month do you order food online?
    How Often do you Order Graph
    With a meal plan:
    71% One to Three times a month
    29% Less than once a month

    Without a meal plan:
    48% One to Three times a month
    27% Less than once a month
    8% Four to six times a month
    3% More than six times a month

    When looking at both the combined answers for both participants with a meal plan and those without, the majority of students order food online between one and three times a month. However, students without a meal plan order more frequently than those with a meal plan.

  9. What type of food do you typically order online? (open ended question)
    Type of Food Graph
    34% Pizza
    32% Chinese
    8% American
    6% Sandwiches
    10% Thai
    6% Indian
    2% Italian
    2% Mediterranean

    We asked this question to find the most popular food type participants were ordering. This answer allowed for multiple answers to be submitted by participants. The most popular food types were Pizza and Chinese food. American, Thai, Indian, and different types of sub sandwiches all averaged the same amount of responses were Italian and Mediterrean were the two lowest averages.

  10. Factor that is ALWAYS important when ordering food online?
    Always Important Graph
    55% Type of food
    12% Delivery Fee
    24% Delivery Minimum
    6% Online Rating
    3% Coupons or Discounts

    From this data, most participants answered that they considered the type of food they were ordering to be more important than any other factors listed.

  11. Factor that is ALMOST ALWAYS important when ordering food online
    Almost Always Important Graph
    12% Type of food
    27% Delivery Fee
    39% Delivery Minimum
    9% Online Rating
    12% Coupons or Discounts

    The next most important things participants listed when ordering food online was how much the delivery minimum was going to be.

  12. Factor that is SOMETIMES important when ordering food online
    Sometimes Important Graph
    3% Type of food
    48% Delivery Fee
    15% Delivery Minimum
    15% Online Rating
    19% Coupons or Discounts

    The third most important factor participants considered when purchasing food online was how much it would cost to have the food delivered.

  13. Factor that is SELDOM important when ordering food online
    Seldom Important Graph
    19% Type of food
    9% Delivery Fee
    9% Delivery Minimum
    21% Online Rating
    42% Coupons or Discounts

    The second to last least important factor participants considered was whether or not the restaurant or online food service offered any coupons or discounts they discovered before or when they were ordering.

  14. Factor that is NEVER important when ordering food online
    Never Important Graph
    6% Type of food
    3% Delivery Fee
    12% Delivery Minimum
    52% Online Rating
    27% Coupons or Discounts

    The factor that was least important when participants were deciding where to order from online was the place's online rating.

  15. How much do you usually spend on an online food order in total?
    How Much Spent Graph
    0% $0.00-$5.00
    21% $5.01-$10.00
    42% $10.01-$15.00
    24% $15.01-$20.00
    7% $20.01-$25.00
    3% $25.01-$30.00
    3% $30.01-$35.00
    0% $35.01+

    Overall, the average amount of money spent on an online order was anywhere between $5.01 and $20.00. The majority of participants average food order cost between $10.01 and $15.00. The next highest average was between $15.01-$20.00 and $5.01-$10.00. None of our respondents typically spent over $35 on a meal ordered online.

  16. Have you had any extremely negative experiences with a restaurant while ordering food online?
    Negative Experiences Graph
    15% Had an extremely negative experience
    85% Did not


    "I placed an order at a restaurant and ended up waiting 4 hours for my delivery to get to me. It was a Sunday, mid day, and I did not receive it until the evening."

    "Not including the minimum with discounts"

    "The food arrived after two hours, was gross, and then I got violently ill."

    "The order wasn't correct, it was missing items."

    "Inequitable distribution of IOU's to the 'money person' in a friend group for an order where I did not order very much food."

  17. Have you had any extremely positive experiences with a restaurant while ordering food online?
    Positive Experiences Graph
    15% Had an extremely negative experience
    85% Did not


    "Grubhub guy gave me free cookies"

    "Grubhub found a wings place that my roommates and I ordered from. food was quick and they included a bunch of extra things in the order."

    "Jimmy johns. On the side note I told him when he walked in he had to do a dance and quick three times before he came into the building and he did exactly that."

    "Uncle Sammy's gave me a free cookie and extra sandwich."

    "I've had free food given and/or discounts given on many different occasions."

    "Item was received exactly as ordered."

    "The food came early and I hadn't got home. The delivery guy then waited for me and was super nice and the food was delicious."

    "I like websites that let me track my delivery and that are really fast. Also, this one time, I wrote 'It's national cat day! Please draw a cat on my napkin' and they DID."

    "Sometimes they listen to the goofy stuff i put in the 'special instructions' box, which is awesome!!"

    "Domino's really does have awesome functionality and a top notch experience."

    "Jimmy Johns really is freaky fast"

    "Whenever the pizza arrives I'm pretty jazzed."

    "Guy gave me a shit ton of extra wings."