To view the actual survey, click here
Have you ordered food online at least one time as a student at DePaul?
- Yes
- No
Are you male or female?
- Male
- Female
- Transgender
- Prefer not to answer
What grade/ year in school are you?
- Freshman
- Sophmore
- Junior
- Senior
- Grad Student or above
Please select your meal plan from the following:
- Convenience Plan ($150)
- Apartment Plan ($469)
- Apartment Plus Plan ($668)
- Lite Plan ($889)
- DePaul Plan ($1,123)
- Red Plan ($1,291)
- Demon Plan ($1,655)
- I do not have a meal plan
- Other: __________
What online food ordering services do you use?
- Grubhub
- Seamless
- Restaurant Website
- Other
- Of the online food ordering services you have used, which is your preferred service?
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If given the option, would you rather order food online, in person, or over the phone?
- Online
- In person
- Over the Phone
Are you more likely to order food on weekdays (Monday to Thursday) or weekends (Friday to Sunday)?
- Weekdays
- Weekends
How many times a month do you order food online?
- Less than once a month
- 1-3 times a month
- 4-6 times a month
- More than 6 times a month
- What type of food do you typically order online? (i.e. Chinese, Mexican, Pizza, Sushi, etc.)
___________________ -
Which one of these is ALWAYS important?
- Type of Food
- Delivery Fee
- Delivery Minimum
- Online Ratings
- Coupons or Discounts
Which one of these is ALMOST ALWAYS important?
- Type of Food
- Delivery Fee
- Delivery Minimum
- Online Ratings
- Coupons or Discounts
Which one of these is SOMETIMES important?
- Type of Food
- Delivery Fee
- Delivery Minimum
- Online Ratings
- Coupons or Discounts
Which one of these is SELDOM important?
- Type of Food
- Delivery Fee
- Delivery Minimum
- Online Ratings
- Coupons or Discounts
Which one of these is NEVER important?
- Type of Food
- Delivery Fee
- Delivery Minimum
- Online Ratings
- Coupons or Discounts
How much do you usually spend on an online food order in total? (If you split orders with friends only include the amount you contribute)
- $0.00 - $5.00
- $5.01 - $10.00
- $10.01 - $15.00
- $15.01 - $20.00
- $20.01 - $25.00
- $25.01 - $30.00
- $30.01 - $35.00
- $40.01 - $45.00
- $45.01 - $50.00
- $50.01+
Have you had any extremely negative experiences with a restaurant while ordering food online?
- Yes
- No
- If you said yes to the previous question, please describe the experience.
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Have you had any extremely positive experiences with a restaurant while ordering food online?
- Yes
- No
- If you said yes to the previous question, please describe the experience.