

To view the actual survey, click here

  1. Have you ordered food online at least one time as a student at DePaul?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  2. Are you male or female?
    1. Male
    2. Female
    3. Transgender
    4. Prefer not to answer

  3. What grade/ year in school are you?
    1. Freshman
    2. Sophmore
    3. Junior
    4. Senior
    5. Grad Student or above

  4. Please select your meal plan from the following:
    1. Convenience Plan ($150)
    2. Apartment Plan ($469)
    3. Apartment Plus Plan ($668)
    4. Lite Plan ($889)
    5. DePaul Plan ($1,123)
    6. Red Plan ($1,291)
    7. Demon Plan ($1,655)
    8. I do not have a meal plan
    9. Other: __________

  5. What online food ordering services do you use?
    1. Grubhub
    2. Seamless
    3. Restaurant Website
    4. Other

  6. Of the online food ordering services you have used, which is your preferred service?

  7. If given the option, would you rather order food online, in person, or over the phone?
    1. Online
    2. In person
    3. Over the Phone

  8. Are you more likely to order food on weekdays (Monday to Thursday) or weekends (Friday to Sunday)?
    1. Weekdays
    2. Weekends

  9. How many times a month do you order food online?
    1. Less than once a month
    2. 1-3 times a month
    3. 4-6 times a month
    4. More than 6 times a month

  10. What type of food do you typically order online? (i.e. Chinese, Mexican, Pizza, Sushi, etc.)

  11. Which one of these is ALWAYS important?
    1. Type of Food
    2. Delivery Fee
    3. Delivery Minimum
    4. Online Ratings
    5. Coupons or Discounts

  12. Which one of these is ALMOST ALWAYS important?
    1. Type of Food
    2. Delivery Fee
    3. Delivery Minimum
    4. Online Ratings
    5. Coupons or Discounts

  13. Which one of these is SOMETIMES important?
    1. Type of Food
    2. Delivery Fee
    3. Delivery Minimum
    4. Online Ratings
    5. Coupons or Discounts

  14. Which one of these is SELDOM important?
    1. Type of Food
    2. Delivery Fee
    3. Delivery Minimum
    4. Online Ratings
    5. Coupons or Discounts

  15. Which one of these is NEVER important?
    1. Type of Food
    2. Delivery Fee
    3. Delivery Minimum
    4. Online Ratings
    5. Coupons or Discounts

  16. How much do you usually spend on an online food order in total? (If you split orders with friends only include the amount you contribute)
    1. $0.00 - $5.00
    2. $5.01 - $10.00
    3. $10.01 - $15.00
    4. $15.01 - $20.00
    5. $20.01 - $25.00
    6. $25.01 - $30.00
    7. $30.01 - $35.00
    8. $40.01 - $45.00
    9. $45.01 - $50.00
    10. $50.01+

  17. Have you had any extremely negative experiences with a restaurant while ordering food online?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  18. If you said yes to the previous question, please describe the experience.

  19. Have you had any extremely positive experiences with a restaurant while ordering food online?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  20. If you said yes to the previous question, please describe the experience.