This site contains my stories, about the journey I am on. It doesn't contain the beginning of my journey and I doubt it will contain the end. Merely one point in space to another. I hope to grow and develop on this path I've chosen. Perhaps even reach and surpass some goals. But even if I fail I have the memory of the journey itself to enjoy and cherish.

It became obvious that merely participating was not satisfactory. For there to be growth, verifiable growth, there needs to be records kept. Detailed exquisitely and rendered palatable to the connoisseurs. Herein contains but a fragment of unmeasurable quantity, the shadow of a exquisite beauty, and the scratchings of a slightly deranged man. In my despair there is hope, hope that this quest of epic proportions yet asomatous corpus would bear fruit, maybe of the mango variety. I end this not with a whimper but a bang. Human language is not some archaic tool used between um's and ah's to communicate the mundane. It is a weapon used to stab the heart and rip asunder the mind of its victim, leaving only a person greater for it.
Ⓒ 2012
Photography / Writing / Code