Maybe this isn't the mission statement. Maybe this is your fear. You sit there and you beg the world for that one answer. You feel tired. You feel exhausted. Maybe you need this more than before, maybe you don't need an answer, maybe you just need to go forth and do this.

An Untitled Life

I seem to find myself in this spot; continuously circling the same meta-spatial coordinates, down to individual landmarks, pebbles, scuffs, and fauna.

I had this idea, this specific idea almost exactly seven years ago. I was about to turn twenty-five and I was having severe issues with the concept of a quarter century. It seemed like a monumental undertaking. This was turning twenty-five, not the idea for this journey. But as it turns out, the idea itself was also too much for me. So instead I kind of put it away.

On the eve of the future, I find myself unable to put the idea away anymore. I can no longer ignore the potential that I feel this ideological pattern keeps placing upon myself. It is even possible that I am embarrassed by that span of time I let pass without anything to show for it. The previous sentence contains a lie.

Until the morrow, this is j and I am living An Untitled Life.
Ⓒ 2012
Photography / Writing / Code