About the Developer

My name is Emmanuel Estipona. I am currently an adult transfer student at DePaul University in Chicago. I am working towards a second bachelors degree in Interactive and Social Media. I received my first degree from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in Integrative Biology. With a degree in ISM, I plan to go into design with an emphasis on web development and design.

I first began smoking my freshmen year of college. I picked up the habit as a way to deal with stress. Initially, I found myself smoking only when stressed. Eventually however, I was smoking between a quarter to half a pack a day. Not only was it draining financially, but I began to not feel as physically fit as I was before. I resolved during lent to quit smoking. To help with this, I bought a 5lb bag of dum-dums and ate one whenever I felt the urge to smoke. Ultimately, this helped me to quit smoking however, every now and then I would feel the urge to smoke; especially during times of heavy stress. I would also experience cravings whenever someone would walk past me while smoking a cigarette. That was when my friend introduced me to vaping.

Picking up my own vaporizer to combat my occasional cravings has definitely been one of the best purchases of my life. Whenever I feel the urge to smoke, I can just press a button and get my fix. I can also use my vaporizer pretty much anywhere. I can now reap the benefits of the nicotine (such as increase focus and thinking) while not having to worry about the other chemicals that are added into cigarettes.

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