Heavenly Orders Doxology

Heavenly Orders Doxology

+ Shashf En Arshee Angelos Se Ohi Erato Ev Err Hem Nos Empi Entho Empi Panto Kra Tor Ev Shemsh Em Mes Terion Et Heep

+ Seven archangels, praising as they stand, before the Pantocrator, serving the hidden mystery.

+ Mee Kha Eel Pe Pi Owit Ghab Riy Eel Pe Pi Ma Esnaf Rafa Eel Pe Pi Ma Shompt Kata Ep Tipos En Tit Ree Yas

+ Michael is the first, Gabriel is the second, Raphael is the third, a symbol of the Trinity.

+ Soo Ree Yeel Sada Kee Yeel Sara Thee Yeel Nem Ana Nee Yeel Nai Nisht En Eref Er O-Oyni Eth Owab Nee Etov Emof E-Ehree Ejen Pee Sont

+ Suriel Sedakiel, Sarathiel and Ananiel, the luminous the great and the holy, asking Him for the creation.

+ Nee Shero Beem Nem Nee Se Ra Feem Nee Eth Ronos Nem Et Choice En Nee Gom Pef Toe En Zo-On En Aso Ma Tos Et Fai Kha Pee Harma En Theh Os

+ The Cherubim the Seraphim, the Thrones the Dominions and Powers, the four incorporeal creatures, carrying the throne of God.

+ Peego Tef Toe Emep Res Vee Te Ros Khen Tee Ekek Lee Seeya Ente Nee Shorp Em Mee See Ev Hos Erof Khen Omet Ot Mownk Ev Osh Evol Evgo Emos

+ The twenty-four presbyters, in the Church of the firstborn, praising Him incessantly, proclaiming and saying.

+ Je Agios Othe Os Nee Et Shoni Mata Let Sho O-oo Agios Ye Sheh Ros Nee Etav Enkot Ep Choice Ma Emton No-O-oo

+ Holy O God, the sick O Lord heal them, holy O Mighty, those who slept repose them.

+Agios Atha Na Tos Esmo Etek Ek Leero No Mee Ya Mare Pek Nai Nem Tek Hee Ree Nee Oy En Soft Empek La Os

+ Holy O Immortal, bless Your inheritance, and may Your mercy and Your peace, be a fortress unto Your people.

+ Je Ek Owab Owoh Ek Owab Ek Owab Ep Choice Ee Sava Ot Et Ve Nem Ep Kahi Meh Evol Khen Pek O-oo Nem Pek Ta Yoo

+ Holy holy, holy O Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are full of, Your glory and Your honor.

+ Av Shan Gos Empi Alle Loo Yah Sharee Na Nee Fee Owi Owoh Emo-O-oo Je Agios Ameen Alle Loo Yah Pee Ofah Pen No Tee Pe

+ And when they say "Alleluia", the heavenly follow them saying, "Holy Amen Alleluia, glory be to our God."

+ Ah Rip Res Va Veen E-Ehri Egon Nis Tra Tee Ya En On Ge Lee Kon Nem Nee Tagh Ma En E-Poo Ra Nee Onn En Tef Ka Nin Novi Non Evol

+ Intercede on our behalf, O angelic hosts, and all the heavenly multitudes, that He may forgive us our sins.