
It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam.

This crisp winter air is full of it.

-John Burroughs, "Winter Sunshine"

The ethereal beauty and benefits of snow

Snow offers some nice benefits to your garden and plants besides its unmatched beauty.
By Betty Earl | January 6, 2011
Winter Morning

Although winter is usually remembered for its punitive conditions, it can also be a period of immense beauty.

While people’s opinions may vary greatly on how truly desirable snow is – in particular, the recent days when the newspapers and TV newscasts were full of stories of stranded travelers and unplowed streets – snow actually has many benefits.

The unmatched beauty of snow

But most important, a fluffy layer of snow brings an immense beauty to the winter landscape, turning it into an enchanting winter wonderland. All of nature is transformed, light is altered, and a stillness that’s unknown the rest of the year settles in.

For me, there’s something magical about the big, flaky, soft kind of freshly fallen snow. I stop to take in the beauty of the pristine landscape, and try hard to capture the fairytale scenery with my camera.

Some of this artistry can be seen and touched, some can only be felt, and no matter how hard I try, the pictures never ever capture any of that allure the same way I see it or feel it.

Walking out into the yard, I stop and listen to the silence. It’s quiet and serene – peaceful and in a strange way, absolutely perfect.

There is a sort of mystical peace in the snowflakes as they fall. I love the way the morning sun glistens off the snow cover as if someone had sprinkled diamonds over the area.

Just listen! Listen to the sound snow makes as it packs under your boots or the low, velvety swish of car tires on unplowed streets

So savor the moment! To my mind, snow cover makes a winter garden – complete.