So You Want To

Be A Good Cat Sitter?



Working with Shelter Cats

by Jessica A. Mikos

Step 1:
Show Respect


Show Respect

  • If a cat doesn’t know you, give them time to watch you.
  • Shelter cats have a back story and lived life on the streets and most went through tough experiences before being rescued.
  • These cats meow the meow and walk the walk but don’t expect them to behave however you want them to.
  • They are independent out of experience and may know more about life than you.
  • It is possible to earn a cat’s forgiveness if you decide to act in a way that offends the cat—apologize in a low (not shrill) tone.

  • Step 2:
    Introduce Yourself to Cat


    Introduce Yourself to Cat

  • When you start, move your hand slowly towards the cat and let the cat smell your hand before you touch.
  • If the cat seems calm enough, you can then pet gently.
  • If the cat is resisting you, don’t give up on the cat: try playing with the cat with something soft like a piece of your clothing to help the cat build trust.
  • Don’t abandon a cat just because he seems distant.
  • Many shelter cats have been through a lot of abandonment and have seen the ugly side of life.

  • Step 3:
    Stay Calm


    Stay Calm
    Stay Calm2

  • Every cat is unique, but in general too much emotion can cause the cat stress and anxiety.
  • A cat is extra sensitive to stimuli.
  • Once you leave, they will brood and have that anxiety and not know what to do with it.
  • Kittens can appreciate some play and can take more of the extra energy.
  • Stay mindful of what point of view you are putting out because it’s just that—a point of view.
  • If that contains too much energy you may distress the cat.
  • Sudden silence and/or isolation can also distress a cat.

  • Step 4:
    Encourage Cat


    Encourage Cat

  • Offer encouragement and don’t give up on the cat.
  • Consistency and unconditional love for the cat is key.
  • Help the cat learn to trust.

  • Step 5:
    Cats Hide in Silence


    Cats Hide in Silence

  • A panicked cat or a traumatized cat hides in silence.
  • These cats often will not meow.
  • Meowing would give away their location to a predator.
  • It has nothing to do with whether or not the cat loves you but everything to do with the fact that a panicked cat hides in silence.

  • Step 6:
    Confidence Helps Cat Feel Secure


    Confidence Helps Cat Feel Secure

  • Don’t handle or hold a cat like you’re going to drop it.
  • Cats will sense your hesitation and won’t trust you.
  • Stay firm and offer the cat security and comfort.

  • Step 7:
    Soothe Cat


    Soothe Cat
    Soothe Cat2

  • Make sure cat feels special.
  • Start by commmunicating: speak with a soft, soothing tone. Sing gently.
  • Let the cat accept your touch.
  • Caress cat and pet cat
  • Hug cat and feel connected and at peace with cat: if you're not feeling it, the cat definitely isn't.

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