We shall try to take over the world... again
Weekdays Weekends
Monday Tuesday Humpday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Plan Plague of Insects Mini Suns Day Off Robots Turn Them Into Newts Time Travel Brainwash unit #302
Execution: 6/10 9/10 Gonna be hungover 5/10 4/10 1/10 9/10
Results: Need more insects Everyone is so tan hungoverneedtostayawa
Developed Sentience, belittled my goals. Need more batteries. Or more efficient newt-gun. Whelp. Relived the same day for 900years as a 3 yr old. Laundry is done!
Consequences: Lettuce shortage. Ran out of plutonium Send apologies. They balanced that budget. Gr. Homeless have become suspicious Maybe I should get rid of pre-school. Place is too clean, can't find next weeks plans.