They one who stole from me.  One day we shall meet again...

There is a grocery store by my house that sells gummi worms. They come in a pound in this hard plastic see-thru container that has a sort of zip release. When you pull it, it sounds like a saw. There is no quiet way to crack into your delicious snack. I have, in the past, argued about chocolate milk at the grocery story. It was a dark day when I did that and because of that, I try to ask very few questions of the staff there. (I ask the bakery people stuff a lot, they seem pretty awesome)

What I am getting at is that sometimes they don't have gummi worms. Maybe they have gummi butterflys or gummi bears. I can't imagine that they are truly different but they are the lesser of the gummi family.

I am always sad when the worms are gone and the bears remain.